 Numbering Tab Selected
The Numbering tab will appear to be selected when you are on the Numbering page.
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 Within Family Ordering
This is how Behold will order all the people within every family. Choices are:
Down from Ancestors: This is the default method. Every ancestral line begins with the earliest ancestor. The ancestral lines are chosen with a father bias, so that in a two generation ancestry: "father's father" comes first, followed by "father's mother", followed by "mother's father", followed by "mother's mother". You'll want to use Down from Ancestors most of the time. It will easily allow you to see where all the ancestral lines start.
Up to Ancestors: This is the default for an Instant Organize. It starts with the individual and his/her spouses/partners. It then selects the next ancestral lines by working up generation by generation. The second line is that of the individual's parents. The third is of the spouse/partner's parents. The fourth is of the individual's father's parents, fifth is the individual's mother's parents, etc. It follows the order of your typical pedigree chart, moving up on a generation by generation basis. Typically, you'll use Up to Ancestors when you want to concentrated first on the individual at hand, and then slowly move from the closer relatives to the less related relatives. This is a great format to send to your relatives, because they'll see first the information they know most about that they can correct for you.
Descendants Only: This starts with the individual and his/her spouses/partners as the only ancestral line. You'll want this if you don't want to include all the relatives of someone. Maybe you want only a certain family. By specifying the ancestors you want as families on the Organize Families Page, you can customize your initial ancestral lines exactly as you want.
Surname Order: This will take each ancestral line, but order them by the ancestors' surname. To be honest, I'm not sure why you'd want this, but the option is there. Maybe you've got the genealogy of a whole town and don't want to prioritize the ordering. The disadvantage is that the first lines (first in the alphabet) will tend to have the most complete set of descendants, whereas the later lines (last in the alphabet) will have a lot of cross references back to the first lines, because Behold does not repeat information but instead hyperlinks back to it.
Those four options define how to select and order each of the lines within the family. Then within each ancestral line, the descendants are listed with an eldest child bias, so that in a two generation descendancy: "eldest child's eldest child" is followed by "eldest child's youngest child", followed by "youngest child's eldest child" followed by "youngest child's youngest child".
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 ID Style
There are five choices for how you want IDs assigned to people:
FamNum e.g. 147. This will number the people sequentially thoughout the Everything Report. This makes it easiest to find an individual person.
FamID-DesNum e.g. FAM-26 will be the 26th entry in the family with the ID "FAM". You specify the family ID on the Organize Families page. This is the default method and makes it easy to identify both the family and where within the family you are.
FamNum-DesNum e,g, 5-26 will be the 26th entry in the 5th family. This is will be still indicate the family, but is easier to find then FamID-DesNum.
FamNum-FamID-DesNum e.g. FAM-5-26 is good if you want both a family identifier and a family order indicator.
FamID-FamNum-DesNum e.g, 5-FAM-26 or maybe you like this better.
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 FamID Length
This specifies how many characters the default ID for a family will be. The default ID is selected using the surname of the person who defines the family. e.g. If this is the family of Steve McCarthy, then a 3-character family ID would be "McC" and a 5-character family ID would be "McCAR".
These defaults are added on the Organize Families page when the family is added. You can edit and customize the ID on that page.
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 FamID Format
Specifies whether you want the default ID for a family to use the surname of the person exactly as it is given, or if you want it capitalized. e.g. For the familyof Steve McCarthy, a 3-letter FamID would be "McC" in mixed case, and "MCC" in all caps.
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This preview gives you an example of what the ID will look like using the ID Style, FamID Length values and FamID Format values.
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 Load From Button
Opens a standard Open FIles dialog and allow you to specify a Behold Organize file. The numbering options from that Behold Organize file will be loaded.
If you have different numbering systems you like to switch between, you can save them in appropriately named Behold Organize files to make them easy to load from.
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 Save Into Button
Opens a standard Save As dialog and allows you to select one or more Behold Organize files. The numbering options from this page will be saved to all of those Behold Organize files.
This makes it easy to update the settings in a number of Behold Organize files at once.
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