 Tags Tab Selected
The Tags tab will appear to be selected when you are on the Tags page.
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 Tag Lines
Each GEDCOM line contains a tag that defines the data on the line. It is usually a 3 or 4 character word in all caps.
You can sort by any column by clicking on the column header. Clicking the same header again will sort in reverse order. The small arrow up or down (shown above in the Tag section of the column header) tells you what is currently the sort column and whether it is sorted up or down.
You can make columns wider or narrower by grabbing and moving the small line between the column headers, or you can double-click on that line to make the column the right size to show the widest entry.
Each tag line contains:
A tag selection box. A checkmark in the box indicates this tag will be displayed in the Everything Report. An empty box means it will be hidden from the Everything Report. You can select/deselect by: Clicking on the box with your mouse, activating the line and pressing the space key, or activating the line and pressing the Select button. You can use the Selected Tags/ All Tags command on the File Menu to display only the hidden tags, or display all the tags with the "hidden" ones shown with grey colored text. A quick way of alternating between the two is with the Selected/All Tags toolbar item which looks like a checkbox:
The Tag: This is the GEDCOM tag used. Custom tags that some programs include usually begin with an underscore "_".
Text: This is the text to display in the Everything Report for that tag. Behold has default text values (in English) that should be reasonable for most purposes. You can edit this text by clicking on it with your mouse, or by activating the line and pressing the Edit Text button. You can also load in a translation file if you want to use a different language.
Number of Records: If a GEDCOM line is at level 0, then it is the beginning of a GEDCOM record, such as 0 HEAD, 0 @I1@ INDI or 0 @S1@ SOUR.
Number of Pointers: If a GEDCOM line refers to a record, then it is a pointer. e.g. 1 HUSB @I1@ or 2 SOUR @S1@
Number of Data items: These are normal GEDCOM lines, not the beginning of records, and not pointers. e.g. 1 PLAC Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Total = Number of Records + Number of Pointers + Number of Data items.
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 Merge from Button
Opens a standard Open Files dialog and allow you to specify a Behold Organize file. The tag selections and tag text from that Behold Organize file will be loaded.
If you have different sets of customized tags you like to use, you can save them in appropriately named Behold Organize files to make them easy to load from.
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 Merge into Button
Opens a standard Save As dialog and allows you to select one or more Behold Organize files. The non-default tag selections and non-default tag text from this page will be saved to all of those Behold Organize files.
This makes it easy to update the settings in a number of Behold Organize files at once.
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 Select Button
When a line is activated, this button will select or deselect that tag. You'll notice the effect in the checkbox for that line. Selected tags are displayed in the Everything Report. Unselected tags are hidden.
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 Edit Text Button
When a line is activated, this button puts the text for the line into edit mode.
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 Use Default Button
Below the button is the default text for this tag. If the text is for the activated line is the same as the default, then the button is not enabled. But if it is different, then this button becomes enabled, and clicking on the button will set the text to the default value.
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 Show Used/Unused
The tag lines can show the tags that are used at least once, or not show them. The tag lines can show the tags that are not used, or not show them.
Normally you'll want to see just the used tags, but sometimes you may want to see other tags that are available in GEDCOM files that Behold knows about. These include some custom tags that some other programs generate.
These two checkboxes are independent. Either or both may be checked.
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 Invalid Tag (in Bold)
If the tag is not a valid GEDCOM tag, then the tag name will be shown in bold text. This sample screen does not show any non-valid GEDCOM tags.
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 Changed Tag Text (in bold)
Any tag text that you edit and is now different than the default will be shown in bold. This sample screen does not show any changed tag text.
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