 Families Tab Selected
The Families tab will appear to be selected when you are on the Families page.
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 Family Lines
Behold organizes your data into families. A family is made up of all the people related to some individual. This includes all that person's blood relatives, spouses or partners of their blood relatives, and descendants of the spouses/partners of their blood relatives. So half-families and step-families are included. If the data file includes adopted parents or other parent relationships, then their families are considered part of the family as well.
So in the example above, there are two family lines. The first is the Family of Stephen James McCARTHY and the second is the family of Stephen's wife: Dianne Marie [JACK] McCarthy. The Everything Report displays the families in the order given.
The last two lines are always: Others Related Through Marriage and Everyone Else. Both are optional, and allow you to also include the other people in the data files, but not in any of the other previously specified families.
Each family line contains:
A family selection box. A checkmark in the box indicates the family will be included in the Everything Report. An empty box means it will not be included in the Everything Report. This is a quick way to exclude the family that makes it easy to add it again later. You can select/deselect by: Clicking on the box with your mouse, activating the line and pressing the space key, or activating the line and pressing the Select button.
Family of: The person whose relatives will make up the family (but remember that the last two lines are the special ones).
GEDCOM: The ID of the GEDCOM file that this family comes from. The GEDCOM ID is specified on the Organize GEDCOMs page.
Num: A sequential numbering of the selected families. The family number can be optionally used in Numbering.
ID: A short identifier you can assign to easily recognize the family. You can edit this identifier by clicking on it with your mouse, or by activating the line and pressing the Edit ID button. The family ID is by default used in numbering, but you can change this on the Organize Numbering page.
To activate a line, click on it with your mouse. Once a line is activated, you can use the mouse or the up and down arrow keys to change the activated line.
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 Add Button
This will show you the following information box:
After you click OK, the main Behold window will be brought forward, and you can find the families you want either in the TreeView or the Everything Report, and use the Add Family Of command to add the families you want.
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 Remove Button
When you've activated a family line, you can completely remove it from the list with this button.
Note that this is very different than deselecting a line, which leaves the family in the list, but just does not display it in the Everything Report.
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 Move Up/Down Buttons
When a line is activated, these buttons will move the family up or down one line.
The Everything Report is generated in the order of the family lines given here, so the first families listed will be first in the Everything Report. Also, when you move a family, the families involved in the move will switch numbers.
Related Through Marriage and Everyone Else are always the last two families and cannot be moved.
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 Select Button
When a line is activated, this button will select or deselect that family line. You'll notice the effect in the checkbox for that line. Selected families are included in the Everything Report. Unselected families are not.
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 Edit ID Button
When a line is activated, this button puts the ID for the line into edit mode.
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