My sessions are planned and my notes are all organized in my one tidy black binder. My bags are all packed. Last check of all the feeds I follow and one look around the web for any latest news about RootsTech. Copied all my necessary stuff onto the laptop and I think I’m ready to go.
Check the weather. Winnipeg has been unseasonably warm the last few days, getting up to about –1 C (or 30 F) when the normal is about –15 C (or 5 F). We had a beautiful snowfall yesterday so I shovelled the snow from the driveway.
Check Salt Lake City’s weather. Very pleasant. Looks like highs of 3 C (37 F) over the next few days. Probably no snow on the ground there. I’m leaving my winter boots, long underwear, winter parka and hat at home.
Tomorrow, it’s my first trip out of Winnipeg since our new airport opened. Then off to Minneapolis with just a 56 minute connection. I know that’s cutting it close, but I’m in the 2nd row and I should make it. If not, there is a another flight to SLC a few hours later.
If all goes well, I should be at the Salt Palace by about 6 p.m. to pick up my registration package and see who I can see.