This is the common Find Dialog, and is used in Behold to search the Everything Report.
 Text to Find
Enter what you want here. It can contain spaces in it, and the spaces will be part of the text searched for.
If text is selected in the document when the Find command is called, then this field will be filled with the selected text.
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 Whole Word
Check this box if you don't want the text to be part of a larger word.
e.g. Unchecked, it will select "babelfish", "mybabelfish" and "babelfisherman". Checked it will only select "babelfish".
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 Match Case
Check this box if you don't want the text to match all capital and small letters exactly. Leave it unchecked if capitalization doesn't matter.
e.g. Unchecked, it will select "babelfish", "BabelFish" and "BABELFISH". Checked it will only select "babelfish".
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Select the direction to look from the current position of the cursor in the Everything Report.
To go to the top of the file quickly to start from there, press Ctrl+Home. To go to the end of the file, press Ctrl+End.
To quickly repeat a "Down" search, press F3. To quickly repeat an "Up" search, press F4.
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