Behold has an extensive website with a lot of information and resources available for you at: www.beholdgenealogy.com.
To get around the site, click on the items on the menu that you'll find at the top and bottom of each page. The page you are on will be highlighted.

 Navigation Menu
The menu is at the top of every page. The page you are on is highlighted. You'll find the same menu at the bottom of every page. Pages include:
Home: Behold's home page, general info, current release
For You: Problems genealogists have, Behold's solutions and how you benefit.
Screenshots: See what Behold looks like.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions.
Download: Where you can download Behold and send for a trial key.
Buy Now! A secure page so you can purchase Behold quickly and easily.
History: What was added to each past version of Behold.
Future: What is planned for the next version of Behold and beyond.
Blog: My Behold Blog, where I talk about the development of Behold, programming, and genealogy in general.
Forum: Behold's user forum for Q&A, feature suggestions, bug reports and general discussion.
Feedback: Have some feedback for me? Send it from here, and see what others have to say about Behold.
?: Behold's User Guide online.
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 The Header
This is the header at the top of every page at the Behold Genealogy site. It will let you know you are at the correct place.
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 Buy Now!
Don't wait! Click on this right now!!! Behold uses a third-party, FastSpring, to provide secure online credit card transactions, and you can also pay by Paypal, Cheque, MoneyOrder or Wire Transfer. Behold has a 60-day moneyback guarantee, so there is no risk to you.
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 User Guide
This entire User Guide is available at the Behold website, when you click on the question mark in the menu.
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 Box Shot
Behold is a download-only product right now, but one day you may find it on store shelves in a box like this.
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 The Way It Should Always Have Been
Behold won't hold you back like other programs. Behold will let you do your genealogy simpler, faster, smarter and better.
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 I Need A Name
This is my little Behold guy. He's cute and cheery and reflects my bright outlook towards Behold. I use images of him throughout my software. I use his image on my postings on web sites. Anywhere you see him, it should be a reference back to me or Behold.
He still needs a name. Let me know if you've got a good suggestion.
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