The first structured index is the Index of Names.
![1](img/drex_bullet_1.png) Primary Reference
Every person will have a cross reference to each of their occurrences in the Everything Report.. If you want to get to the first occurrence which has all the info about them, then clicking on the person's name will take you there. The first occurrence is the primary reference, and that is where you will find the detailed information about that person.
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![2](img/drex_bullet_2.png) Other References
If a person is in the report more than once, then references to the other locations will be shown. For these, you click on the number to be taken to that location.
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![3](img/drex_bullet_3.png) Every Surname Indexed
A person is entered into the index once for every surname they have. Esther Catherine [BAILEY MACKERRON] McCARTHY is entered under Bailey, under MacKerron, and under McCarthy.
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![4](img/drex_bullet_4.png) Birth and Death Years
After each name in parenthesis are the birth and death year of the individual if they can be derived from that person's data. Showing this in the index helps you identify the correct individual more easily when they have identical or similar names.
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![5](img/drex_bullet_5.png) First of the Line
People who are shown in bold blue text have no parents in the data file. This means they are the first one of their family line. In the case of our example of Elsie, she would be the first one in her family with the surname "Chute".
The people highlighted will not only include all the earliest ancestors in the file, but they will also include many spouses who marry into the family and don't have their families included.
However, it is still a good indicator of who might be the earliest ancestor with a specific surname. For example, it is easy to see under the Bailey surname that Albert W. Bailey must be the earliest ancestor.
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