Select "Export" from the File menu.
Currently, Behold can Export data to two formats: HTML and RTF.
 HTML Export
Behold currently exports the entire Everything Report into a single HTML file. These files are in a format that can be read in a web browser and can be put on a website for viewing. HTML if you must know, stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. This HTML uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) which preserve all formatting as precisely as possible. The web page generated will have working hyperlinks.
You can place these files on a website, but this is something that I personally have great reservations about. I don't believe you should publicly post all of your data. You should post what families you're looking for so that other researchers can contact you, and then exchange relevant knowledge with them. So really, what is the point in putting everything up? We can have a big debate on this if you'd like. In the meantime, check out My Family Research to see what sort of information I think should be put up on a website.
In the future, I may allow some options to split the contents, families and indexes into different files. And once editing is added, I hope to add ways to designate certain people, events, or data as private so that they may be excluded from printouts or exports.
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 RTF Export
Behold can export its Everything Report to RTF (Rich Text Format). This is a format that Microsoft Word and many other word processing programs can read.
Using the RTF export, you can load the exported file into your word processor and make additional changes to it there if you wish.
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 Other Formats
No other formats are currently supported.
Of course, GEDCOM is an important format. That will be added in Version 1.5.
PDF is the only other useful one I can think of at this time, and I may add it in the future if I get some requests for it.
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