In the Treeview, select Name
Behold has no internal limits on the amount of information that can be displayed. Notes can be any size. Names, places and identifiers are shown as they are in the input file.
The information above is shown with the display of hidden data turned off. If hidden information display is turned on, then you would see additional lines in grey color.
![1](img/drex_bullet_1.png) People Links
Clicking on the link for any person will take you to that person in the Everything Report.
![2](img/drex_bullet_2.png) Place Links
Clicking on the link for any Place will take you to that place in the Place Details section. The Place Details section lists and links back to every referencing person/event for every place.
The default keyword for displaying a place is the word "in". You can change this on the Organize Report Options page.
![3](img/drex_bullet_3.png) Source References
Source References are shown with a hyperlink to their location in the Source Details section. The complete description of the source reference is shown. The Source Details section lists and links back to every referencing person/event for every source.
![4](img/drex_bullet_4.png) Object Links
Links to objects on one's computer, website addresses, urls, or email addresses are all hyperlinked. Clicking on the hyperlink opens the helper program to view that particular object. That might be your picture display program, your web browser, or your email program. Behold sends the link to Windows, and Windows uses the suffix of the file (e.g. ".jpg") to figure out which program to use.
![5](img/drex_bullet_5.png) Note Links
Most notes are usually unique, used once. Those are shown in normal text and are not linked to anything. But some notes may be shared notes. Shared Notes are linked to the Note Details section. The Note Details section lists and links back to every referencing person/event for each shared note.