Extra Info is a bit like Options in other programs. You can check which items you want and in some cases, what text to use.
The difference is that in Behold, you save these options into a Behold Organize file with all your other settings. Then every time you run that Behold Organize file, you'll always have the options you want, and you can save lots of files with different sets of options
The default selections are shown above with checkmarks in the boxes for the selected items, and empty boxes for the unselected items.
 Alternate Events
The GEDCOM 5.5.1 standard suggests using separate events when there is conflicting information for the same event, and recommends including the preferred one first in the GEDCOM file. However GEDCOM does not differentiate between the same event with multiple event entries, and multiple events of the same type.
Behold treats just 4 specific events to be unique events that can only happen once. For a person, they can only be born or die once (except maybe in science fiction). For a partnership, they can only be married once and divorced once within one marriage. Yes, they can marry each other again after the divorce, but that should be added as a second partnership. So within one partnership, there is only one marriage and one divorce.
Behold considers all other events in a person's life to be separate events, e.g. Education or Residence or Census.
For the 4 events, Birth, Death, Marriage and Divorce, the first event (not necessarily the earliest) is considered the primary (preferred) event. The others are called the alternate events.
This option allows to to specify whether to include the alternate events and the text to display before them. Alternate events are not necessarily shown together, but are shown in date order mixed among the other events.
Here's an example of an alternative event along with it's primary event:
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 Current Age
For people who are still living or who have no death date, their age at the time the Everything Report is run is calculated and is listed at the end of their individual information.
It will look like this:
This is not shown if people do not have a birthdate. Also see the "Would have been" option below. If the person would be as old or older than the age specified in that option, then the current age is not printed, and the "Would have been" option is printed instead.
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 Display Life Events
There is a menu and toolbar option to turn on and off the display of life events. But this can also be done here in Report page.
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 Generation Depth
Adds a generation number prefixed by the specified text to the beginning of separator lines. The default is to not show it, e.g:
If you select it, then you'll get:
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 HTML Title
This is for the HTML file produced when you Export to HTML. There two settings let you set the webpage title to what you want.
The first part of the title is set by the Title prefix which, by default, is "The Family of". You can then specify if you want Behold to add the names of the main people in the file to be appended.
If both are selected, then your title in the McCarthy test file will look like:
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 ID Numbers
Level 0 records in GEDCOM files all have internal ID numbers. A level 0 line might look like this:
GEDCOM ID numbers are always between two 'at signs', so the ID number in this case is: I1.
Normally, you do not need to know the ID numbers of GEDCOM records. They normally will not have meaning to you, but are just used to cross-reference records internally in the GEDCOM.
By default the option to show ID numbers is off and will not be displayed. However if the All Tags option is selected, then the ID numbers will be displayed as hidden text in a grey color.
If you are familiar with GEDCOM files, and always want to include the GEDCOM IDs, then you can check this option.
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 Show Possible Data Problems
Behold includes its data problems inline right with your data. Data problems are shown in red and are prefixed by whatever text is given as the option here.
Here's an example of a data problem:
The use of two asterisks (**) as a prefix allow you to easily search for data problems using Behold's find function. If you use a lot of asterisks in your notes, you can change this to be another set of characters you can look for, e.g. two plus signs (++).
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 Max 100 Messages
Many GEDCOM files use non-standard GEDCOM formats. Behold can produce a message in the Log file for every occurrance of those and other problems so that every single one of them can be identified.
But producing thousands of messages will slow down Behold's input processing. That's because Behold writes each message to the log file as it occurs instead of buffering them. Buffering would speed this up, but if for any reason Behold crashed, the Log file would not contain all messages up to the point the error occurred, since they would not have been written from the buffer.
So to compensate, Behold by default will only include any one particular message in the Log file for its first 100 occurrences.
If you want, for any reason, to include the 101st and the rest of all these messages included in the Log file, then simply uncheck this option.
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 Birth/death Years
By default, the name index will display birth and death years, like this:
If only the birth year or the death year is given, then only that year will be shown. If there is more than one birth or death event for the person, then the year on the first event will be shown. If the person has neither a birth date or death date specified, then then nothing is shown for the person.
If you don't want to show the birth and death years in the name index, then uncheck this option.
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 Married Names
This is a biggie. Behold by default adds all spouse surnames (where the spouse in the GEDCOM is considered to be a "husband") to the end of the persons name in the GEDCOM file. The surname in the GEDCOM file should only be their birth surname. Doing this will follow the culture of most Western societies of the last few hundred years where wives took on their husband's surname. It provides very usefully information that allows you to more easily identify people, who are often known by their married surname(s) rather than by their maiden name, e.g.:
Obviously, this will not be true for all people in many genealogies. Behold, when editing is added, will provide a way to customize every individual marriage/partnership and allow overriding this option for individual people.
Or you can uncheck this option, and only birth surnames (i.e. the surname included in the GEDCOM file with the person) will be included in their name, e.g.:
The surnames shown will carry forward to the Name Index as well. If this option is checked, then all surnames will be indexed. Otherwise, only the birth surname will be indexed.
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By default, the number of nodes available for expansion under each TreeView entry, if there is at least one, is shown in parenthesis in the TreeView:
By unchecking this option, the counts will not display:
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 Survived by
Anyone who died, who has both a birth date and a death date, will show a list of their close relatives who were living on the date they died.
This is described more fully in the Survived By section of this Reference Guide.
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 Would have been
For people who are still living or who have no death date, their age at the time the Everything Report is run is calculated and is listed at the end of their individual information. If they are younger than the age given in this "Would have been" option, then their age is printed with the "As of" option (see above).
But if they would prove to be at least the age given in this option, then they are instead printed with a statement that indicates they may not currently be living.
It will look like this:
You should likely check these people to see if they may already have passed away. Note that they may have events in their life at ages older than this age. Those events are still shown along with their age at the event.
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