It is possible to type in the 'Behold is ready for input - Please open a file' Main window when no file is open. Is there a purpose for this, as anything typed cannot be saved.
That is what will become the editing window once I add editing in version 2.0.
Actually, you can now edit the text on Behold's Everything Report. You are correct that it is not saved, but whatever you have there can be printed. So if you wanted to delete a bunch of stuff and change a few typos before you printed, you can do that now.
When version 2.0 comes, there will be all helpful tools to help you easily enter your data right onto the report. I haven't figured out all the details yet, but I'll probably use the Microsoft Office Ribbon. Everyone who starts using that ends up loving it.
Joined: Mon, 12 Jan 2009
36 blog comments, 59 forum posts
Posted: Mon, 12 Jan 2009
It is possible to type in the 'Behold is ready for input - Please open a file' Main window when no file is open. Is there a purpose for this, as anything typed cannot be saved.
Joined: Sun, 9 Mar 2003
290 blog comments, 245 forum posts
Posted: Mon, 12 Jan 2009
That is what will become the editing window once I add editing in version 2.0.
Actually, you can now edit the text on Behold's Everything Report. You are correct that it is not saved, but whatever you have there can be printed. So if you wanted to delete a bunch of stuff and change a few typos before you printed, you can do that now.
When version 2.0 comes, there will be all helpful tools to help you easily enter your data right onto the report. I haven't figured out all the details yet, but I'll probably use the Microsoft Office Ribbon. Everyone who starts using that ends up loving it.