Purchased and completed swab test. Was obviously a scam. With a multitude of Scots and Irish names in my family the report said I was 100% north and western European. Then I discovered that a niece on my wife's side received the exact same report and we know that she had a gg that was native American. Have little hope of getting my money back but want to help others to not fall for this rip off.
Unfortunately, the companies find many people purchase DNA tests specifically for their ethnicity results. So they greatly advertise this and get testers. Some get good information. Others don't. This is not a science but is an approximate art. They should at least be telling you this in advance ... but then, would you buy the test if they did?
Joined: Sat, 13 May 2017
0 blog comments, 1 forum post
Posted: Sat, 13 May 2017
Purchased and completed swab test. Was obviously a scam. With a multitude of Scots and Irish names in my family the report said I was 100% north and western European. Then I discovered that a niece on my wife's side received the exact same report and we know that she had a gg that was native American. Have little hope of getting my money back but want to help others to not fall for this rip off.
Joined: Sun, 9 Mar 2003
288 blog comments, 245 forum posts
Posted: Sun, 4 Jun 2017
Unfortunately, the companies find many people purchase DNA tests specifically for their ethnicity results. So they greatly advertise this and get testers. Some get good information. Others don't. This is not a science but is an approximate art. They should at least be telling you this in advance ... but then, would you buy the test if they did?