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Log file has problems with reporting problems with UTF-8 .ged - Categorized in: Report a ProblemReport a Problem

7 posts. Started 24 Nov 2014 by arnold. Latest reply 28 Nov 2014 by arnold. RSS 2.0 feed for this topic RSS
1. arnold (arnold)
Canada flag
Joined: Mon, 24 Nov 2014
10 blog comments, 13 forum posts
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 Permalink

Being new to Behold, I just imported a .ged file with UTF-8 encoding.

When it complains about a CONT line being too long, it displays the offending line it messes up the output.
The original line( as viewed in NP++ 6.6.9):
2 CONT das hiesige Pfarrbüro, das wöchentlich nur 2 Stunden besetzt ist von einer Frau, die keine Erfahrungen in Ahnenforschung hat (die Gemeinde Weilheim hat seit Jahren keinen eigenen Pfarrer mehr) hat mir Ihren Brief vom 29.7.1995 übergeben. Ich bi
The hex data from the original file for Pfarrb..ro : 50 66 61 72 72 62 C3 BC 72 6f

The line from the log file( as viewed in NP++ 6.6.9):
23341: 2 CONT das hiesige Pfarrbüro, das wöchentlich nur 2 Stunden besetzt ist von einer Frau, die keine Erfahrungen in Ahnenforschung hat (die Gemeinde Weilheim hat seit Jahren keinen eigenen Pfarrer mehr) hat mir Ihren Brief vom 29.7.1995 übergeben. Ich bi

The hex data from the log file for Pfarrb..ro : 50 66 61 72 72 62 C3 83 C2 BC 72 6f

Similar problems occur in several other places.
Note: as the log file does include a UTF-8 BOM, I have stripped it out to make sure the BOM was not a problem for NP++
NP++ displays the same problem with or without the BOM

2. arnold (arnold)
Canada flag
Joined: Mon, 24 Nov 2014
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Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 Permalink

FWIW, the text in the main 'Everything window IS displayed properly.

3. Louis Kessler (lkessler)
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Joined: Sun, 9 Mar 2003
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Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 Permalink

Thanks, Arnold, for reporting this. But I can't reproduce the problem. When I try copying your long line you show above into a UTF-8 GEDCOM file, it doesn't happen for me. The log file is fine.

That may be because when you copied the line to this forum, your browser converted it to Unicode and it became a proper Unicode character, which when I copy back to the UTF-8 file, becomes a proper UTF-8.

Would you be able to take that GEDCOM file which causes the problem, and keep the bad line and maybe 2 lines before and two lines after and delete all the rest, and send that small file to me (see my email address at the bottom o this page). Then I can test out the actual problem text and if the problem occurs for me, I can correct it.


4. arnold (arnold)
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Joined: Mon, 24 Nov 2014
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Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 Permalink

OK, I,ll do that - once I recover the use of my work machine which is suffering from disk malfunction :-(
It'll take me a day or two

PS: the gedcom does NOT have a BOM, even though it is UTF-8 encoded, in case that will help in the meantime

5. Louis Kessler (lkessler)
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Joined: Sun, 9 Mar 2003
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Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 Permalink


Thank you for adding the PS. I find I can now recreate the problem as it does occur with a UTF-8 file that does not have a BOM. Now you don't have to send me anything. I'll work to fix it now.


p.s. I hate computer problems. I hope yours get solved without you losing anything significant.

6. Louis Kessler (lkessler)
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Joined: Sun, 9 Mar 2003
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Posted: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 Permalink


I found the problem. When the BOM and the Character set used mismatch, I have to do a conversion. I did not do the conversion on the full input line, but just to the extracted parts of the line. So the input line was still incorrect when displayed in the error message. I've now fixed it so that the conversion is done to the input line if it is displayed in the error message.

This fix will be included in the next release of Behold, that I am now trying hard to get finished.


7. arnold (arnold)
Canada flag
Joined: Mon, 24 Nov 2014
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Posted: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 Permalink

After about 4 days of fighting with the hardware (& likely the software - I hate MsMpEng.exe) I am sort of up again.
The problem is always that some (important) things were not backed up, because the only time you find out they should have been backed up is when they weren't :-(

Glad you were able to identify the problem.

Your Behold has also identified a few more issues with my current genealogy app for me and I'll have to sort those out either myself or with the developers :-)

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