The families can be ordered in an Ahnentafel ordering by pressing the upside down A button on the toolbar ("Up to Organize" on the Organize menu). But Behold is family-based and shows organizations of families, and does not in its current form allow the display of just a certain set of selected people.
The reason is somewhat complicated. Multiple families can be selected on the Organize Families pages. So unless all relatives are always selected when selecting a family, then the next family gets interfered with in a way - making it difficult to show later families clearly.
I could put work into making that happen in as clear a way as possible, but it would involve complicating the Organize Families page and adding another column which would contain "Families of" and "Ancestors only". But then why stop there? There's also "Paternal Ancestors only", and "Maternal Ancestors only". Then there's "Descendants Only". "Males Only". "Females Only". "People living in New York City only". We're basically starting to filter on a criteria.
None-the-less, is there a reason why an Ahnentafel report in Behold would be important to you? How does it help you to have Behold produce a report that does *not* display the entire family?
Joined: Thu, 7 Nov 2013
0 blog comments, 1 forum post
Posted: Thu, 7 Nov 2013
Is there a way to print an Ahnentafel report (Ancestors only) for a particular person. Lots of Descendant lists.
Joined: Sun, 9 Mar 2003
288 blog comments, 245 forum posts
Posted: Thu, 7 Nov 2013
The families can be ordered in an Ahnentafel ordering by pressing the upside down A button on the toolbar ("Up to Organize" on the Organize menu). But Behold is family-based and shows organizations of families, and does not in its current form allow the display of just a certain set of selected people.
The reason is somewhat complicated. Multiple families can be selected on the Organize Families pages. So unless all relatives are always selected when selecting a family, then the next family gets interfered with in a way - making it difficult to show later families clearly.
I could put work into making that happen in as clear a way as possible, but it would involve complicating the Organize Families page and adding another column which would contain "Families of" and "Ancestors only". But then why stop there? There's also "Paternal Ancestors only", and "Maternal Ancestors only". Then there's "Descendants Only". "Males Only". "Females Only". "People living in New York City only". We're basically starting to filter on a criteria.
None-the-less, is there a reason why an Ahnentafel report in Behold would be important to you? How does it help you to have Behold produce a report that does *not* display the entire family?