Currently, Behold displays information for people, marriages, places and sources in one font without any highlighting or color. I plan to add options in Version 1.1 to allow you to set your preferred format for names, events and other parts of this information.
But what I haven't settled on yet is what the default should be. I've had two suggestions: (1) That Names be made bold, and (2) That Events be made bold.
What do you think would look best? Names bold? Events bold? Both of them bold? Maybe some other format or color instead?
I'd love to hear your opinion on this to help me decide what the default should be.
Since I help contribute to this dilemma I feel it is my duty to chime in and vote "YES" for the names! The idea I would imagine, is to prevent the cluttering of the everything report, the bold face of the events would possibly do just that by default. The bolding of the names would be less intrusive and it is natural that people recall names to events rather than events to names. In the future as Louis has suggested, there probably will be more user control for customized displays.
Looks clear that bold Names are the preference. I'll make them bold in this set of revisions. I'll add options to allow different formatting options in version 1.1.
The Events will need some way to be easily identified once version 2 and editing come. But for now, putting the Level 1 Event names at the start of each line and using a colon at the end of them should be good enough.
p.s. I'll be changing all default event names from past-tense verbs to nouns. e.g. "Born" and "Married" will change to "Birth" and "Marriage". I liked the past-tense verbs better because it read smoother (e.g. "Born 14 Nov 1912", rather than "Birth: 14 Nov 1912").
But past tense verbs look horrible in a link section that might have something like: Witnessed Born: John Smith SMI-14 Married: John Smith and Mary [Jones] Smith SMI-14
It looks better as: Witness: Birth: John Smith SMI-14 Marriage: John Smith and Mary [Jones] Smith SMI-14
Changing to nouns also allows me to use the event names specified in the GEDCOM 5.5.1 standard, and doing that makes sense.
Joined: Sun, 9 Mar 2003
290 blog comments, 245 forum posts
Posted: Sat, 29 Oct 2005
But what I haven't settled on yet is what the default should be. I've had two suggestions: (1) That Names be made bold, and (2) That Events be made bold.
What do you think would look best? Names bold? Events bold? Both of them bold? Maybe some other format or color instead?
I'd love to hear your opinion on this to help me decide what the default should be.
Joined: Tue, 19 Jul 2005
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Posted: Sat, 29 Oct 2005
Joined: Sat, 24 Jul 2004
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Posted: Sun, 30 Oct 2005
Ok.....names in bold
Events colour, how many colours and what? will think on this
Joined: Mon, 8 Aug 2005
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Posted: Mon, 31 Oct 2005
Joined: Sun, 9 Mar 2003
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Posted: Thu, 3 Nov 2005
The Events will need some way to be easily identified once version 2 and editing come. But for now, putting the Level 1 Event names at the start of each line and using a colon at the end of them should be good enough.
p.s. I'll be changing all default event names from past-tense verbs to nouns. e.g. "Born" and "Married" will change to "Birth" and "Marriage". I liked the past-tense verbs better because it read smoother (e.g. "Born 14 Nov 1912", rather than "Birth: 14 Nov 1912").
But past tense verbs look horrible in a link section that might have something like:
Born: John Smith SMI-14
Married: John Smith and Mary [Jones] Smith SMI-14
It looks better as:
Birth: John Smith SMI-14
Marriage: John Smith and Mary [Jones] Smith SMI-14
Changing to nouns also allows me to use the event names specified in the GEDCOM 5.5.1 standard, and doing that makes sense.