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missing organize page - Categorized in: Questions and AnswersQuestions and Answers

12 posts. Started 18 Oct 2012 by trolleydave. Latest reply 20 Oct 2012 by lkessler. RSS 2.0 feed for this topic RSS
1. trolleydave (trolleydave)
United States flag
Joined: Sat, 8 Sep 2012
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Posted: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 Permalink

Help. I finally decided to quit waiting for the next version and started to try to understand the possibilities of what's there. Loaded a Gedcom, played around some with the report format, (maybe more on that later) and then decided to get into the Organize options. Stone wall. Neither the Organize menu nor the BHO icon nor F9 will bring up an Organize page. The Gedcom and Log icons work, the header bar grays out like the program was trying to do something, but nothing happens. I'm at a loss to know where to start. I've downloaded another copy of the program, reinstalled it a couple of times, to no effect. I'm running Win 7 64bit on a moderately powered Acer laptop, tend to operate with lots of open windows, but does ok with things like Delorme Topo or Goldwave or ACDSee, and loads my 500 name Gedcom in an eye-blink. It's gotta be something dumb. Any ideas out there?

PS: Push, Push, Push

2. Louis Kessler (lkessler)
Canada flag
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Posted: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 Permalink


First I wonder if the BHO icon and F9 key are actually working, but the Organize Window is not on top but is obscured by the main window.

Try this: Open Behold, load your file and press F9. Presumably you don't see the Organize window. Is your main window maximized? If so, press the square box in the upper right to make it a resizeable window. Make that window smaller, say half the screen in height and width. Do you see the Organize window anywhere? If not, move the main window around the screen to try to reveal the Organize window.

If that reveals the Organize window, then that's good. Then I just have to figure out why the Organize window wasn't opened on top, which it should be.

If you still can't find the Organize window, then we'll have to try something else.

p.s. You can try it without loading any files. The BHO icon and F9 should still work to bring up the Organize window.


3. trolleydave (trolleydave)
United States flag
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Posted: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 Permalink

Hey, you're up way too late :-). I considered the hidden window, happens all the time on Mary Anne's jigsaw puzzles. Had the main window at about 1/2 screen, moved it around, nothing underneath. Tried it again just now - same result. Scratch head...

4. Brett (brett)
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Posted: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 Permalink

I am running similar configuration to you. If you like, send me GEDCOM and I will see what it does here. I have had no problems on any size GEDCOM that loads into Behold.

5. trolleydave (trolleydave)
United States flag
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Posted: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 Permalink

Thanks for the offer, but I'll hold that in reserve for now. I don't think it's the input file, I've tried it with several GEDCOM's (see, I can take a hint :- ), both of my own data and some downloads from Family Search, and Louis points out that it should work even without an input file. I installed the pgm on another laptop this morning (skinny little netbook, the music and navigation 'puter) and it works just fine. Looks like it's either something in the configuration of the first machine or in the noted fact that I have about 10 other pgms running, including a couple of Libre Office spreadsheets, several PDF's and text files open, Legacy, Topo, etc. Took Louis at his word and did the last re-install on that machine with some or all of that running.

Guess the next step is to shut down all the busy stuff one by one to see if it's a specific interference, general overload, or machine background.


6. trolleydave (trolleydave)
United States flag
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Posted: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 Permalink

Progress, or lack thereof - see reply to Bret, above. Shut down all foreground programs, one at a time, no help. Wiped out Behold, restarted 'puter, reinstalled Behold, still no Organize page. Turned off Comodo firewall and Avast antivirus, no help. Wiped out Behold again, reinstalled w/ firewall and antivirus disabled, no help. For all the files I can find, names and sizes match between main machine and netbook, but must be some more I haven't found, the reinstalled copies are already registered :- ). Is the page generated by the Behold.exe file, or is there a template somewhere else? Also note that after the last reinstall, there is no start icon on the desktop. The machine has been used with an external monitor and extended desktop, but not with this program. Is it possible that Behold has found a way to position the page off-screen?

Both machines are running Win 7 Home Premium, 64 bit, Netbook has Service Pack 1, main machine hasn't been updated much. The main machine is also set up w/ dual boot to Linux and has a LOT of software installed, runs around 80 processes when loafing, cf about 60 on the netbook w/ several pgms running. Don't know if any of this provides any clues.

7. Louis Kessler (lkessler)
Canada flag
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Posted: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 Permalink


Behold is doing nothing more than opening a standard window when you press F9. The window is no different than the window that opens for the GEDCOM and log windows, which you say work.

Thank you for your details and Brett, for your assistance. I think in your details, Dave, you mentioned a second desktop. It is very possible that the window position is set up outside the boundaries of your viewable screen area.

If that is it, you can try this: Run the registry editor. On the start menu input area, type: "regedit". You may have to give permission to let it run. Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Behold. Select the "OrganizePages" key. It contains the position of the Organize window and what the last page you viewed was so that it will open the same way next time. Right-click on the "OrganizePages" key and select "Delete". Answer Yes when it asks if you want to delte this key and all its subkeys.

After you do that, try Behold again. Hopefully now the Organize window will appear.


8. trolleydave (trolleydave)
United States flag
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Posted: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 Permalink

Lost is found! Still don't know for sure where it's been. The idea that it might be hiding off screen led me to get the monitor out of the closet and hook it up. I wasn't watching the main screen when the monitor came on, but when I looked back , there it was, overlapping the main program window.

If I move the Organize window to the external monitor and then turn the monitor off, the Organize window disappears, can't be found on the main screen. However, if I then pull the video connector at the 'puter, the Organize window pops right up on the main screen. But if I close the pgm while the window is "disappeared", it doesn't come back when the pgm is restarted without the external monitor. Connecting and turning on the monitor brings it right back up. That sort of replicates the previous symptoms. I must have inadvertently gone thru something like that sequence on some previous session, tho I don't remember ever having Behold up on the dual screen setup. My memory ain't what it used to be so I won't insist. Don't know if there's any way to prevent that behavior unless you know a lot more about window control on extended desktops than I do (which isn't much) Sorry for all the fuss and thanks for your patience

9. trolleydave (trolleydave)
United States flag
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Posted: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 Permalink

I guess I was experimenting when you entered the solution. Will the regedit eliminate the possibility of losing it again?

Thanks again - Dave

10. Louis Kessler (lkessler)
Canada flag
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Posted: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 Permalink


Great! I'm glad that was it.

No. The regedit simply wipes out the stored coordinates of the window (which happened to be off the screen). I suggested it as a solution because when Behold doesn't find coordinates, it places the window in a default position at the center of the screen - so that should make it visible again. It would happen to the GEDCOM and log windows as well if they were dragged off the screen.

Whenever you move a window, new coordinates will be added to the Registry. If they again happen to be off the screen, well, you'll get the same problem.

I have two screens as well, and the same thing happened to me a few years ago. I wondered where it went for awhile. At the time, I remember looking for a way to determine physical screen size including all the monitors. I put out this question at Stack Overflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1424920/how-do-i-get-the-usable-coordinates-of-the-screen-in-delphi

So I implemented the best solution possible to keep the windows visible in case the physical screen size changed. And it works most of the time. But it can fail sometimes when you have multiple screens that have different screen resolutions (width x height in pixels). It requires inadvertently moving a window to that secret spot, and that doesn't happen often. It hasn't happened to me since that time about 3 years ago.

I suspect your multiple monitors have different resolutions. If so, that may be why Behold couldn't bring that window back into view. You may have accidentally moved it to "hidden" corner / secret spot.


11. trolleydave (trolleydave)
United States flag
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Posted: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 Permalink

As best I can tell from the windows "Display" panel, both screens are running at 1366 x 768. It may be complicated by the fact that the second "monitor" is actually a 14" Vizio
flat screen TV that has VGA and HDMI inputs and can come up in any of several modes depending on last use, turn off and turn on variations, etc. I've seen the lost window effect several times, but it's been quite a while since and I didn't remember that I'd ever used the extra monitor with Behold. I try to remember to clear that screen before I close anything but it's probably not 100%. Part of the problem is that we're living in 275 sq. ft. (full time RVers) and the dual screen setup comes and goes, frequently with the monitor in the closet for weeks at a time, so it doesn't become habit. Sorry for the big flap about near nothing. Thanks

12. Louis Kessler (lkessler)
Canada flag
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Posted: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 Permalink


No problem at all. I want to ensure that Behold is running the way it should for everyone.


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