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Version 1.0.5 (Life Events, Age at Events, Date Consistency Checking) - Categorized in: Questions and AnswersQuestions and Answers

3 posts. Started 9 Apr 2012 by brett. Latest reply 9 Apr 2012 by brett. RSS 2.0 feed for this topic RSS
1. Brett (brett)
Australia flag
Joined: Mon, 12 Jan 2009
36 blog comments, 59 forum posts
Posted: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 Permalink

New: Add date consistency checking, that verifies event dates by comparing them with each person's birth and death dates and placing a message in the Everything Report next to the suspicious date.


Is it possible to display this in the log file as well as/instead of please.


2. Louis Kessler (lkessler)
Canada flag
Joined: Sun, 9 Mar 2003
290 blog comments, 245 forum posts
Posted: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 Permalink


Actually, no.

The log file is associated with the GEDCOM file that is input. If you input 3 GEDCOMs into Behold at once, then 3 log files are produced. It is designed to tell you what import problems happen from the GEDCOM file.

Once Behold has its own data file format, you will be reading from a .bhp (Behold project file). No log file will be created from that because, presumably, Behold will be able to read everything correctly from its own file format.

The consistency checking errors cannot be done until all the data is loaded, because it is comparing different people who (especially after editing and virtual merging is added) may be from different files or may be newly created and not belong to any original GEDCOM input file.

Now I could create one big log file with consistency checks and date verifications and all that. But isn't it better to have it right in the report, right where you need to correct it? You'll be able to easily search through and find all the errors very simply. Maybe by finding: "*why" and then using F3 (and F4) to find the next (and previous) one, which is simply the built-in Find function that Behold already has.

Wait until the next version is out and then try it. Then let me know if you like it or if you think a log file is better.


3. Brett (brett)
Australia flag
Joined: Mon, 12 Jan 2009
36 blog comments, 59 forum posts
Posted: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 Permalink

As usual, you have explained it to the degree it is no longer a thought to consider. Patiently waiting for that next version.


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