I've been working hard to see if I could squeeze what I would call "life events" into the individual profiles. I wrote about it in my Endless Possibilities blog post, where I said:
I might want to also expand the parent links, child links, and spouse links within the individuals and families and turn them into individual birth and marriage events within the person’s life. Maybe I could merge the family events into each spouse’s events and just show data for individuals – and not families. It’s possible and may be worthwhile to add as an option. Then consistency/sanity checking could be done on those added events as well. Why not include parent’s 2nd marriages, divorces, deaths, other brothers or sisters birth, marriage and death, children’s marriage and death events all into an individual’s information: after all, every one of those events are significant in the life of anybody and would be useful to help understand a person’s life.
I've got 2/3 the way through implementing this and it's a very exciting concept. You can see how the significant events in a person's life affects their life, which may give great clues to help you make some new revelations about them.
I was hoping to have an example a few days ago, and do a blog post about it. But March is income tax time, and I've got 7 to do and that's slowing me down. Maybe by this weekend. I was thinking the title of the post would be: "Life Events (One More Innovation)".
If I decide to implement this, now IS the time to do it prior to building the data format that Behold will save to.
If I can't wrap it up in a week or two, I might decide to table it ... but that would sadden me.
Joined: Mon, 12 Jan 2009
36 blog comments, 59 forum posts
Posted: Wed, 7 Mar 2012
How is Version 1.0.5, planned for February 2012 progressing Louis?
Joined: Sun, 9 Mar 2003
290 blog comments, 245 forum posts
Posted: Wed, 7 Mar 2012
I've been working hard to see if I could squeeze what I would call "life events" into the individual profiles. I wrote about it in my Endless Possibilities blog post, where I said:
I've got 2/3 the way through implementing this and it's a very exciting concept. You can see how the significant events in a person's life affects their life, which may give great clues to help you make some new revelations about them.
I was hoping to have an example a few days ago, and do a blog post about it. But March is income tax time, and I've got 7 to do and that's slowing me down. Maybe by this weekend. I was thinking the title of the post would be: "Life Events (One More Innovation)".
If I decide to implement this, now IS the time to do it prior to building the data format that Behold will save to.
If I can't wrap it up in a week or two, I might decide to table it ... but that would sadden me.
Joined: Mon, 12 Jan 2009
36 blog comments, 59 forum posts
Posted: Wed, 7 Mar 2012
Thanks Louis
I am not in a rush, I was just wondering. I saw you busily working on "life events" into the individual profiles, on your future page.
Keep up the good work.