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Louis Kessler’s Behold Blog » Blog Entry           prev Prev   Next next

Sunday, April 13, 2003 - Sun, 13 Apr 2003

I had forgot that ElPack is working on making its ElTree into a Virtual Tree as well. Going to their site, where Version 4 is now in Beta, I see that this will now be available. So the capability to remove my data from the tree will be possible. I don’t have to do that now, but it will be better in the long run, and I can do so in the future.

With regards to the three ElTree bugs I found, I posted them to the Eldos Forum and got my answers - No Problem, Problem and Fixed.

The “No Problem” was a loss of the selection after selecting multiple selections at once. On this one, I forgot to set the Key to 0 when handling the selection.

The “Problem” was a bug they didn’t think they could get to soon. This involved adding to a selection using the Ctrl and Shift keys in a standard Windows manner. The first entry of the selection to be added would be lost. Quite annoying, but something that wouldn’t be often used. Still, it would bother me to leave it and I should look for a way to fix this.

The “Fixed” was the one that was fixed in Version 3.20. I had only installed 3.12. This was the addition of a MouseFrameVisible parameter so I can turn off the dotted box showing the rectangle of selection not needed in Behold. Time to download the new version.

Overall, I should be able to live with this, and I won’t have to go through the effort of converting to another Tree package.

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