Here’s a quick and needed release.
Unfortunately the web update feature of Behold in 0.99.1 through 0.99.3 beta of Behold was not working on Vista or Windows 7.
The web update downloads the behold-setup file to the Program Files directory where Behold is. Unfortunately, Vista and Windows 7 do not allow a program to add files to that directory, and that gives an error. To get around this, I now download that to the temporary files directory.
What this means is you may not be able to upgrade to the newest version of Behold with the web update. This now should be fixed in 0.99.4 but of course you won’t be able to try it until 0.99.5 comes out. For now, if Behold’s web update won’t work for you, then as I said in my last blog post, go to Behold’s download page and click the download link and run the setup from there.
There are a few other fixes in this version as well. See the version history.
Thank you for all your bug reports. Please keep them coming until I get rid of them all.