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Louis Kessler’s Behold Blog » Blog Entry           prev Prev   Next next

Friday, May 27, 2005 - Fri, 27 May 2005

I searched the web looking for possible problems with AnsiCompareStr, or problems in Delphi 4 in working with it. I couldn’t find anything that indicated there was anything wrong with it. So it led to the conclusion that I had done something wrong. For two days, I checked and debugged and rechecked my code and couldn’t find any mistakes. Finally, I wrote a small program to allow me to analyze exactly what AnsiCompareStr and AnsiCompareText do. The first should compare strings with case-sensitivity, and the 2nd should do it without case-sensitivity. But my test program showed they both gave the same result, both doing it with case-sensitivity. And I saw that this this wasn’t a Delphi problem but a Windows problem by testing the Windows function CompareString directly, which both these routines call. I could not get CompareString to sort without case-sensitivity. Again, searches on the web for this problem showed nothing. Trying it on Windows 98 or Windows XP made no difference.

My second problem from Tuesday about the Name Index window not sorting had a surprising result. I tried the same thing I thought I tried on Tuesday morning which didn’t work then, but this time it did! I was surprised and have no reasoning for this, other than I had to have done something a bit differently this time.

Unfortunately, these glitches have set me back from where I expected to be by now. I will have to delay the expected release of Behold 0.95 alpha to Mid-June, and the 0.99 beta to August. But Version 1.0 should still be ready by December.

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