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Louis Kessler’s Behold Blog » Blog Entry           prev Prev   Next next

Thursday, November 14, 2002 - Thu, 14 Nov 2002

The morning shower is a great place to sort things out. The complication seems to be because I had some early data structures and code to maintain the GEDCOM and Families lists in the User Interface unit. This basically has to do all the same functions that the code in my Organize unit does for its GEDCOM and Families portions. The User Interface unit also served as a backup for the values in the Organize unit, and was used to get the old values when the Cancel key of the Organize window was pressed. I’ll need to see if I can easily snapshot a copy of the Organize data so that it can be retrieved when Cancel is pressed. If I can, I should be able to eliminate the original data structures and code in the User Interface unit, and then I won’t have to worry about the functionality not matching properly which would lead to hard-to-find bugs.

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