Last night I managed to install Vanilla and using about a dozen different articles from the web, integrated it correctly with WordPress. I was very pleased.
Then this morning, I found that I had missed that fact that the Open Source groups using Wordpress have been working on their own light Vanilla-like Forum software called bbPress. Researching it, and looking at some implementations of bbPress, I saw no advantages anymore to stay with Vanilla. It’s implementation was different than WordPress, and I’d have to learn and maintain 2 diffenent methods of adding themes, inserting plugins and setting up the pages. With bbPress, I’d be talking basically the same language as WordPress. Even though bbPress is only at Version (even Behold is further!), right now it seems to have everything I want.
It only took me an hour to get rid of Vanilla and integrate bbPress instead. Next I’ll customize it to my style and making it exactly what I want. This part’s actually a lot of fun.