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Louis Kessler’s Behold Blog » Blog Entry           prev Prev   Next next

Monday, June 18, 2007 - Mon, 18 Jun 2007

I’ve reached my limit. Now I understand why there are so few Certified for Windows Vista programs out there.

The most important thing needed is to add a resource file to my Behold.exe file called a Manifest file. It is read by Windows Vista to see what level of User Rights the program requires. The specs say that all programs need to ask for minimal rights, and ask to “elevate” them when needed. The elevation involves Vista posting a popup saying that the program is asking to do something, and is it okay. Although it only requires a simple button click confirmation by the user, this has turned into one of the most scorned things about Vista.

I’m not sure what elevated rights Behold might need, but the Web Update may be one. Yet, the way Behold is now, the Web Update works fine on Vista, as does the rest of the program (except the Help file which I’m changing). So am I to spend several weeks adding complicated code to ensure it is just as Microsoft wants it, so as to add an inconvenience to you? There is no motivation here, other than the “Certified for Vista” designation.

Then there’s the ridiculous requirement I earlier talked about of getting a Verisign Authentication simply to join the program at a “special price” of only $99. Also, I’ve only got 2 weeks to try to meet their “free” verification testing deadline, and save $1000. I’m not sure if they’ll test it in time, if they’ll accept it because it’s still in alpha, or add on unexpected requirements that I can’t meet. It’s just too much of a rush now to try to do this. Also Delphi 4 is lacking in some Vista enabled features. I’d really be better to wait at least until I upgrade to the newest version of Delphi.

Microsoft must have got the message of how difficult they’ve made the process. At every step, they’ve added another roadblock and turned away developers like me from joining them. I’m sure they’ll have to do something to make the process easier, or their desired security technology will not work.

So it’s back to Behold for me again. Back to progress towards the beta release. Yay!

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