Finally making some progress to clean up this version. I’m dealing with forward and reverse links between people and families. The difficulty is to display information associated with the link in both places, but making it obvious what it is referring to. Also, multiple information linked from several people must be melded together. It’s getting there, slowly but surely.
I’m about two-thirds through the Micro-ISV book. I’m reading it by slotting it into vacant times in my life (which are not easy to find). It’s interesting that I agree with 98% of the steps and ideas Bob Walsh gives to develop and support your product. But there is still another whole set of considerations and things that I do that Bob doesn’t mention. Maybe I should think of writing Micro-ISV II one day. … But no, I’ve got to keep on track. Before I ever do that, I want to write some Genealogy How-To literature that will complement Behold. My thinking on Organizing Genealogy Material is as different from the norm as Behold is.