Hmmm. No filled in Behold surveys have been put in my Behold surveys folder in about a month. That should not be. I usually get a few filled out every week. Checking into this, it has to do with the e-mail server changes my ISP made. Now the JMail command needs my new SMTP server name. I missed that because it is in my ASP code on my website, rather than an option in Outlook Express. That should fix it, and I hope I didn’t miss too many surveys in that time.
Also, the main Forum page now is looking really good. So for fun, what do you think I do? Well I go and test it in Opera and in Netscape. In Opera, it has a few formatting differences from Outlook Express, so I can make a few tweaks here and there to reduce these differences. But Netscape 4.7 gives me an error at a fairly innocent-looking line. I comment out that line and the error shows up at a later line. Comment out the later line and the page now displays but the current message is not shown. Looks like I’ve got a bit of debugging to do here. Sigh!