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Louis Kessler’s Behold Blog » Blog Entry           prev Prev   Next next

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - Sat, 21 Feb 2004

Adding the Instant Organize function into the Everything Report was a little bit more complicated than in the Name Index or the Tree View. In the other two, the Report ID for the desired person is directly available. In the Everything Report, it is not necessarily available with the other information about the person clicked on. In the Everything Report, the Report ID is set up as a “checkpoint” at the beginning of the person info. The information that is clicked on may be later on in the person info. So the correct checkpoint previous to the what was clicked must be obtained.

As I had to find out, this was not so easy to do with TRichView. It took a fair bit of research through the RichView documentation, newsgroups and hints and tips that I had previously printed to get some ideas to do this. After several days of trials, I finally got it to work. Now I’ll have to ensure it works in all parts of the Everything Report, as it will be different in the Table of Contents, versus the main report area, versus the name index at the end, etc.

Also, some parts of the Report will not have a name associated with it. I am considering whether or not to check the Report ID upon right click but before Instant Organize is even selected. That way, the right click menu can be pre-seeded with the name of the person/people that will be Instant Organized … or Instant Organize can be deactivated if there is noone at the selection: this can wait until later. One day, I may want to also allow Instant Organize for places, but again not right away.

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