I made a few small fixes to version 1.0.5 that I released a few days ago. Most of you won’t notice anything different.
Note that if you already installed version 1.0.5 and use “Check Online for New Version” on the File Menu, it will not find version That is unfortunately a remnant from the beta days of Behold when I was adding fixes fast and furiously, and I mistakenly thought that people wouldn’t want to upgrade the minor x.x.x.X releases. I’ll change that next version.
If you have version or earlier, you can use “Check Online for New Version” on the File Menu to upgrade. But if you did get 1.0.5 in the last couple of days, you’ll have to get the new version from the Behold download page and it will install over your current version.
What’s next? Ooooh. Exciting stuff! I’ve been playing with Life Events for over a year as I’ve been developing them, and the way Behold will present them to you will be extremely useful for your research. If I work hard, I can get Version 1.1 with Life Events out sometime in June.