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Can GEDCOM 7.0 Succeed? - Blog comment by cconser - 22 Jun 2021

Mr. Kessler: I think you misunderstood me. I agree with you that formatting has no place in GEDCOM and was not advocating for it. Thanks for pointing me to your interesting article. Your suggestion for a defined library of source element tags is an elegant solution that GEDCOM sorely needs.

Can GEDCOM 7.0 Succeed? - Blog comment by cconser - 22 Jun 2021

Thanks again. My main problem with GEDCOM's source tags/fields is that genealogists use such a variety of sources that it is nearly impossible to anticipate them using a few fields - even given the flexibility of the PAGE tag. The biggest restraint for me is formatting and punctuation. For example, layered ...

Can GEDCOM 7.0 Succeed? - Blog comment by cconser - 21 Jun 2021

Thanks for this analysis. Please tell me where can I find out more about the proper implementation of the PAGE tag.