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Behold Version 1.1 - Blog comment by lkessler - 28 Jun 2015

... days later. Or you don't have the death but you have the burial. But once I add source-based data entry, that methodology won't be needed. Instead, when you get a new source, say a list of births in a place, you'll enter it as a new source along with all the events it contains that may be relevant to you. Then you'll link them up to the relevant people.

To Do- or Not To Genealogy Do-Over - Blog comment by uwem - 9 Jan 2015

Hi guys, I'm a bit astonished that you seem to believe that source-based genealogy is a new concept and/or trend. No serious genealogist (well, at least the ones I know...) would base his or her research on hearsay, assumptions or other people's GEDCOM files ever. The data available at the LDS is a good example, because it's unreliable for various ...

Source Driven Genealogy - Blog comment by lkessler - 25 Nov 2014

Excellent Arnold. Of course, Behold does not yet have the editing and the source-based editing option in it. I've still not finalized it yet, but my current thinking is to have a split screen showing you the source at the top or bottom, and your conclusions at the bottom or top. But you can see in Behold right now, in the sources section, how the sources are ...

Re-evaluating the Future of Genealogy Software - Blog comment by klemens - 22 Mar 2014

... data entry is probably the most important point on your list. The big winner will be source-based data entry. There should be no other way to enter data than that, always describe what you've got as a source first and then describe the relevant info in it.

How many sources/citations is too many? - Blog comment by lkessler - 29 Dec 2013

... I'd say we're "diametrically opposite". The design of Behold is to eventually allow source-based data entry, which few programs do. I would not say I'm as interested in the "proof" side of it as I am in the documentation of where it came from. It may take two-steps: (1) get them to document their sources, and then (2) get them to prove their assertions. We're both ...

Reassessing the Behold Road Map - Blog comment by lkessler - 18 Aug 2012

... data input finally comes, I'm sure that part will blow you and everyone else away. Source-based data entry on top of that should be just what's needed. I used slide rules, too. But I was much more blown away by my recent switch from from camera/cellphone combination to smartphone! Louis